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Sponsorship of the CCSI Program


The bulk of CCSI agreements are currently funded through public and private organizations.  We would like to acknowledge and thank those partners:  USDA-NRCS, the National Association of Conservation Districts, Cargill, Indiana Corn Marketing Council, Indiana Soybean Alliance, Indiana TNC, and Purdue University. 


Any sponsorships or financial contributions made to CCSI will be used to cover expenses not funded under these agreements. 


We welcome exploring other opportunities & creative ways to support the work of CCSI. For individuals and organizations who wish to discuss the possibility of providing event sponsorship or developing a specific project, please provide some introductory information below to help streamline our conversation.

Sponsorship of the CCSI Program


The bulk of CCSI agreements are currently funded through public and private organizations.  We would like to acknowledge and thank those partners:  USDA-NRCS, the National Association of Conservation Districts, Cargill, Indiana Corn Marketing Council, Indiana Soybean Alliance, Indiana TNC, and Purdue University. 


Any sponsorships or financial contributions made to CCSI will be used to cover expenses not funded under these agreements. 


We welcome exploring other opportunities & creative ways to support the work of CCSI. For individuals and organizations who wish to discuss the possibility of providing event sponsorship or developing a specific project, please provide some introductory information below to help streamline our conversation.

Is your organization willing to help promote any of the following soil health principles? Check all that apply.

Thank you! We're looking forward to exploring this with you.

Sponsorship of a Specific Event


We realize that sometimes it is easier for sponsors of locally-led events to make those financial contributions by credit card.  With that in mind, CCSI provides this service to allow people - such as employees of agri-business firms to use a credit card to make that transaction relatively seamless. 



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© Conservation Cropping Systems Initiative

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