Soil cover or residue provides numerous benefits for cropland, rangeland, hayland, orchards, road ditches, and more – including:
Controlling Wind and Water Erosion – cover protects soil from wind and/or water as it moves across the soil surface. It holds the soil in place along with valuable soil organic matter and nutrients.
Evaporation Rate Reduction – soil cover reduces soil evaporation rates, keeping more moisture available for plant use.
Soil Temperature Regulation – soil cover helps maintain a more moderate range of soil temperatures, keeping soil warmer in cold weather, and cooler in hot weather. Like us, the soil food web functions best when soil temperatures are moderate.
Reducing Surface Compaction – rainfall on bare soils is one cause of soil compaction. When rainfall hits cover instead of bare soil, much of the raindrop energy is dissipated.
Suppressing Weed Growth – soil cover limits the amount of sunlight available to weed seedlings.
Habitat – soil cover provides a protective habitat for the soil food web’s surface dwellers
USDA-NRCS – Examples of residue cover under different tillage systems.